Damaris Vargas, BA, CTC, CPC

Phone: 615-788-5778
Email: dvargas555@outlook.com
Damaris is an independent ministry partner of Feed My Sheep Ministries. She began ministry in service to God in 2005 taking many opportunities to serve in diverse areas within the church body and community. She began transitioning into full-time ministry, which led her to go back to school after two combined decades of work in the areas of CSR, Property Leasing-Management and Healthcare Revenue.
Damaris earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Counseling from Cornerstone University in 2014 and is currently working towards her Master’s degree. She is a professionally trained Pastoral Counselor, a Certified Temperament Counselor, and a Professional Clinical Member of the National Christian Counselors Association (N.C.C.A.). She also has advanced training in Marriage and Family Counseling from the N.C.C.A, She is also an Ordained Minister with the New Life Ministerial Association. She is a Certified Facilitator of “SYMBIS”, a successful Premarital and Post-Marriage counseling assessment system that aids couples in their journey towards a healthy and resilient marriage life.
Damaris considers it an honor to be a part of the lives of people who make the courageous decision to seek assistance in their journey towards a more balanced life. As a Pastoral Counselor, one of Damaris’ motivations is to work side-by-side with people, providing practical tools for their everyday lives that can impact not just her clients but others around them. She provides a private and confidential counseling environment promoting a sense of emotional safety that will encourage her clients to freely speak about those otherwise uncomfortable conversations. She believes collaborative work and a safe space for her clients is important for encouragement and increasing success.
Damaris believes our interests in life are a great part of what drives the human heart. A relationship with God thru His Holy Spirit is at the center of healing the human heart. This along with counseling and client collaboration can set the stage in the courageous road for healing. She understands God is the supreme authority and safe guidance towards our emotional restoration. And when we discover the Creator's plan for us it can help us pursue those interests in the right direction, provides us with a much-needed sense of purpose, and subsequently a place where we can find contentment no matter the season.
Damaris believes her own season of searching to uncover God’s call and purpose for her life together with her professional training and the Word are fundamental tools when working alongside her clients. She understands that the Creator longs for a relationship with His children and He is in constant communication whether we are able to discern it or not. Throughout the counseling process, she hopes to be an encouragement for her clients to grow closer to God. Between unpacking the results of the personalized temperament profile system (APS) and the client’s-counselor teamwork, Damaris’ vision has been to provide her clients with a deeper understanding of themselves and others. She envisions that in this process clients will find direction. She also believes Christ-Centered Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT) to be a great and effective tool in the Christian counseling process.
In her spare time Damaris enjoys spending time with her husband, 14 y/o niece, exercising, enjoying nature, arts, reading and fellowship.
Damaris holds the Bible to be the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. She believes while reading the Word, God’s children are on a continuous renewing of the mind and in that renewing, on their way to divine perfection. She believes that to all those who accept and choose to receive the Son (Christ), to them have been given power to become children of God (John 1:12), and that power will provide the boldness and the courage to achieve the plans that God has purposed for us.
Damaris’s Personal Christian Testimony
Reflecting on my childhood, I realize I didn’t fully experience it due to growing up in a broken home. Our entire household experienced the abuse, neglect and the chaos that comes with domestic violence. Helplessly, I witnessed my caregivers’ divorce, which forced me to mature quickly. Despite these challenges, I was privileged to encounter Christ and experience the moves of the Holy Spirit early on, attending church occasionally.
Before fully committing to Christ, I vividly remember a profound sense of loneliness. Deep down, I felt abandoned and thought, “Once I get married, I won’t feel lonely.” Unknowingly, I relied on someone other than God to fill that void and to meet my need for safety and protection. In my search for solace, I turned to self-soothing distractions like clubs, alcohol, and crowded places, but nothing filled the emptiness I felt.​​​​​​​​
My attempts at self-improvement overlooked Christ, eternity, and His guidance. However, since accepting Christ as my sole guide, I have experienced a profound and ongoing transformation. I delight in including God in every aspect of my life. The Holy Spirit has replaced the loneliness and sense of abandonment that once overshadowed me. Today, my relationship with Christ satisfies my every need.

Feed My Sheep is a faith-based ministry center with a desire to help heal the hearts and restore the lives of hurting people by assisting them in recognizing and fulfilling their emotional and spiritual needs.